Anxiety & Stress

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Stress

Stress demand placed on your brain or physical body
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. 

Anxiety can occur as a reaction to stress but it can also happen on it's own. Often paired together as that's when you might most notice it. 

Anxiety & Stress doesn't single any one particular person out. Different emotions might be noticeable. 

  • Irritable
  • Angry
  • Impatient
  • Over-burdened
  • Overwhelmed
  • Nervous
  • Afraid
When suffering from anxiety or stress you might have negative thoughts thinking bad things will happen. Avoiding daily tasks like work, school, or going out in public. 

With anxiety you might notice physical symptoms. 

  • Feeling sick
  • Dizzy
  • Sweating excessively
  • Muscle aches
  • Chest pains
  • Blurred eyes
  • Itchy skin

With hypnotherapy we use breathing techniques to start the relaxation and as we move into the hypnosis relaxing the mind. I will guide you using imagery and your other senses to help re-frame negative thoughts and beliefs. Building your confidence and self-esteem. 

Hypnosis allows us to explore the root problem causing the stress and anxiety. Working together to overcome the blocks all while your in a relaxed state of mind. I'll also give you the tools to use self-hypnosis and the options of recordings to use at home on your own time. Also on going support when needed. 

Clear Mind

Escape the grasps of stress and anxiety

✔  Calm
✔  Reduced Anxiety
✔  Reduced Stress
✔  New perspective
✔  Clearer thoughts

Hypnosis allows you to relax using basic breath work and going into a trance state. With your physical body completely relaxed. You can focus on specific problems and it's resolutions. Gaining control of your bodies response to stress rather than going into high alert. Being able to think clearly and deal with situations calmly to make confident decisions. Taking away self hypnosis techniques as well for future use. 

This can be achieved both remotely and in person. We can outline any issues to be dealt with in the initial free consultation.

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