Stress and anxiety come in many forms. If looking at stress it can be good or bad. For example working out, you’re putting stress on the body. That’s not what we are focusing on here though.
Working in the bank I let stress take over my life. This stress came from the constant micromanaging taking something I loved and turning into something I despised. Steadily going down a dark path it took me to a state of depression. I hated my job and sadly a lot of people get put in this situation.
There are many instances where stress can stem from. One of the most

What is stress?

Stress is a state of worry or mental tension caused by difficult situations. Stress is a natural response used to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone will experience some form of stress.
Many different situations can cause stress and is often triggered when we experience something new or unexpected where we have little control.

You might feel

  • Irritable
  • Angry
  • Impatient
  • Over-burdened
  • Overwhelmed
  • Anxious
  • Nervous
  • Afraid
It’s a natural response that we have when addressing challenges or threats in our lives it can be both positive and negative. When the situation changes the stress will typically go away.
Stress becomes a problem when it’s prolonged. Leading you into the anxious feeling and when anxiety can start.
A study was done in 2018 in the UK where 74% of people felt so stressed they were overwhelmed or unable to cope.
51% of adults who felt stressed reported feeling depressed, and 61% reported feeling anxious.
With causes being everything from friends/family health conditions, debt, comparing themselves to other people, body image, and pressure to succeed.

What is Anxiety

Emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure. Feeling of fear or uneasiness.

You might feel

  • Churning in your stomach
  • Light headed or dizzy
  • Restless
  • Headaches, back ache, other aches and pains
  • Faster breathing
  • Irregular heart beat
  • Sweating or hot flashes
Stress and anxiety essentially feed off each other. Both affecting your mind and body. If left unchecked they can lead to much deeper issues.

  • Depression
  • Alcohol
  • Overeating
  • Smoking
  • Drugs
Some key facts from the World Health Organization

Anxiety disorders are the most common affecting 301 million people in 2019.
More woman are affected more than men
Symptoms of anxiety have onset during childhood or adolescence.

We all go through stress and in most instances I’m sure we have felt some sort of anxiety. It’s when it goes left unchecked that it becomes a problem.

Going into 2023 mental health issues were on the rise. Being in a stressful and anxiety state prolonged can take you down a dark road.

What works for me might not work for others. When I initially start feeling the stress there is a few things that I look to.

Journaling - When I take out a pen and my notebook and just let my thoughts scramble onto the paper it clears my mind from what’s going on. This lets me organize my thoughts. I write everything that comes to mind. Then I’ll sit back and review it. My reasoning behind reviewing it is looking for potential answers to what’s happening in my life to cause that problem. This might not work for everyone but I tend to want to find solutions.

Meditation/ Self hypnosis - This can be guided or not. When I initially started with meditation I had to do guided as my mind would wander easily. Having that voice guiding me kept me on track. I then slowly started in short time intervals doing quiet mediations where I was able to focus on my breath. Self hypnosis I use my own scripting and the same scripting I give clients to bee able to use. This will allow the mind to relax and teach it to live in the present moment which will take you out of the stressful or anxious state.

Breath work - One thing that I like to do it a lot of situations is to step back and take a few deep breaths. Doing a 4 count in and 4 count out this allows me to stop thinking about what is causing the stress and stimulates the vagus nerve slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

Work out - Working out is just all around healthy and can be a great outlet when things are bothering you. With breath work and the weights it feels as though the stress is just magically leaving the body. This can also help boost endorphins which help you feel good.

Walk - I personally used this one for years specially after getting my dog. This let me start breaking into living in the moment. Using my five senses to absorb what’s going on being able to turn this on at any moment has provided me more control over my emotions so they don’t get the best of me.

Hypnotherapy - In a hypnosis session you’re able to relax the mind and body. This allows you to think clearing as your guided into a trance state.  Working with your subconscious to come up with the answers to your stressors. With hypnotherapy you can work through the root causes of the problem.
These are the basic things that have worked for me over the years. All help you come up with answers, clear the mind, or relax the body. Giving you clarity and the ability to release from the stress or anxiety so it doesn’t consume you.

If things are still getting worse then seeing a medical professional like a therapist, counselor, or psychologist might be needed.


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