7 steps to build a Growth Mindset

Having struggled with fear of rejection, failure, limiting beliefs, the feeling that I have accomplished all I could. I believed the path I was on was all my life had to offer.

Struggling day to day with mental mind games I played with myself. Finances were never good. Drinking and escaping from the real world with hours and hours of video games.

I finally hit a break point where I had the realization there was so much more to life. There had to be more. The question I didn't have the answer to was how can I get there.

I started down a rabbit hole of YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram thinking to myself I could never have or achieve what these people were doing.

Then it dawned on me. It wasn't about what they have or what their doing it was about what I wanted and how I was going to get it. It was about having people realize they could have the same.

Showing people how to change their mind set so they weren’t limiting themselves.

This opened a whole new mindset for me and was my shift to a growth mindset.

Carol Dweck did a study on fixed mindset and growth mindset and in that study only “40% of people had a growth mindset.”

This is where my mind shift happened and changes started.

It was time for me to start reflecting on all my past experiences.

  • Where did things go wrong?
  • What could I change?
  • If I relived the scenario what could I do different? 
  • Where was my mind at? 
Going through these one by one in my mind where I use to blame everyone around me it was time to hold myself accountable.
Then it was how can I make the changes today to start down my purpose.
I read books that all related to personal growth with the intention of how can I incorporate this into my everyday life.

Power of Focus - Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Les Hewitt
Power of the Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy
Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza

This was just to name a few that gave me the frame work to make the changes I needed to.
Putting these all together let me build a platform to bring to everyone and anyone in the same situation.
Let’s look at what it takes to change the mindset as this is the biggest hurdle. To understand you can build off current intelligence and abilities. Knowing you can do more and achieve everything you want if you’re ready to do the work.

The 7 Key steps to build a GROWTH MINDSET

  1. Embrace Challenges
  2. Learn from Failures
  3. Effort
  4. Feedback
  5. Learning
  6. Avoid Comparisons
  7. Positive Self-talk
BONUS point - Mindfulness.

I started meditation, inner prayer/engineering, journaling, personal growth, continuous learning

Starting to work from the inside and building up. I was able to create a clear focus on how to achieve my goals. I was able to build a path on how to get to the finish line.

The only person that can wake up and decide to enact change is you. If you want it bad enough, you can have it but it takes time, work, and effort.

If you’re ready for change today is the day you start. It can be something simple in fact it’s best to start simple.

Work with you calendar. When can you schedule time to tackle all the tasks to get done in a day.

Take smalls steps building a habit for those and watching them compound from there.


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