With the new year around the corner and a new month starting it's time to start looking at some house cleaning. 
It's easy to let time slip by but as we reflect over the last year have you changed anything you wanted to for 2023? 

When's the last time you reviewed your goals? 
Are they still the same? 
What have you accomplished? 
What still needs work? 
Do you have balance and focus? 
Or are all your goals focused around one thing?

This year I set out to build a coaching program to help people find balance and focus on goals in all aspects of their lives. 

  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Giving back
  • Free time/travel
  • Financials
  • Health and fitness
  • Personal
These are all important topics and area's of life as you go on your personal growth journey. 

When we limit our goals to one area like career we lack growth and accomplishment in others and will feel a sense of emptiness. 

Having this brought to my attention was a huge eye opener. It’s easy to put our head in the sand and neglect parts of our lives and not realize it.

I spent many years chasing after a career neglecting other parts of my life. 

I didn’t build relationships.

I didn’t travel much unless it was offered and missed out on opportunities to see the world. 

My financials came hand in hand with career as I was chasing money. Not realizing money was an object and 
time was more important. At least it is now.

Finding your balance is key for this. That’s why I find it important to build goals in all areas of your life.

Why do you want to focus on this with still 1 month left in the year? 
It's so much more than a resolution at this point. 

It's about formulating a plan week over week with intention. 

This gives you the building blocks to accomplish your goals. 

Realizing you have what it takes to succeed and build a level of success that suites you. New Years resolutions typically don’t hold as you’re trying to build a habit at the same time of setting the goal. 
This can take a month or more depending on motivation, discipline, and focus.

Starting now will let you go through the set backs in the process of building the habit.

We look at this over 90 days. This way if there is changes or you accomplish goals you can start thinking bigger as success in your eyes is now achievable. It will also help you build habits and consistency. 
Success comes in many different shapes and sizes.

  1. Set clear goals
  2. Continuous learning
  3. Work hard and smart
  4. Build a strong network
  5. Embrace failure
  6. Persistence
  7. Mindset
Setting a clear goal is most important. It gives you the starting point. 

It’s easy to write a goal down and forget it. It’s another to write it, build a weekly plan on how to achieve it. 

This will give you small actionable steps to get there. Don’t just stop there follow it up with a reason. 

Why do you want to achieve this goal.

Adding a purpose to the goal will remind you what you’re setting out to achieve.

The power of WHY adds value to that goal.

If you reflect on 2023 what did you set out to accomplish and how well did you track?
Did you accomplish all or some of your goals?

2023 is in the past now as we approach a new year it’s about reflecting on what worked and didn’t work for you.
There is no regrets, no I wish I did this or that.
Now it’s about learning and building the plan for the future.
I bring this up now because to create a new habit will take 20 days. This will give you the ability to walk into 2024 already starting with wins, as you work with the compounding effect of making small changes now.
I don’t like calling them New Years Resolutions as they rarely have a tendency to stick. 

Gyms love this time of year as they see a spike in memberships and people that start and fall off. 

Starting now will give you a head start on the year stacking wins right off the bat.


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