I read a book a few months ago. This book has the most sticky notes out of any book I have read so far.
The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

This is a must read for anyone that wants to understand ways to work with the subconscious and have it work in your favor. It goes in depth with inner prayer/engineering.

Affirmations are tough to work with as we have explored Dr. John Kappas Theory of the Mind. If your beliefs don’t align you might do more harm than good.

I cover this theory in a previous article in more detail.

In short if an affirmation doesn’t align with your values the likely hood the subconscious accepts it is low.

I’m not saying positive self-talk doesn’t work or doesn’t help because I still believe it does.

Having the ability to get into THETA for brain activity lets you work closely with the subconscious.

This is when you will find the most value out of affirmations, positive self-talk and inner prayer/engineering.

The great thing about The Power of your Subconscious Mind is the scripting and practice of it is very easy to read and understand.

Joseph Murphy outlines the workings of the conscious and subconscious perfectly.

“A wonderful way to begin getting to know the two functions of your mind is to think of it as a garden. You are the gardener. You are planting seeds of thought in your subconscious mind all day long. Much of the time you are not even aware of doing so, because the seeds are based on your habitual thinking. As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.”
Joseph Murphy

The subconscious mind has no reasoning and takes everything literally. The conscious mind is the voice of reason.

It can’t tell the difference between positive and negative. This is a reason why negative self talk can be so detrimental to your success. Once the subconscious is able to accept a thought it will start acting up on it, both positive and negative.

How do you use this in everyday?

He goes through a few techniques to incorporate into practice.
  • Building your blueprint
  • The art of true prayer
  • Visualization
  • Mental-Movie Method
  • Baudoin Technique
  • Sleeping Technique
  • Thank you Technique
  • Argumentative Method
  • Absolute Method
Building your blueprint: We are our thoughts. If you constantly have negative thoughts and full of fear, worry, and anxiety these are the seeds that are being planted. The example he uses for this is like the blueprint of your house. If you want the house to be perfect for the family and safe and a place of comfort. Why should the mind and body be any different. “Build silently by realizing peace, harmony, joy, and goodwill in the present moment.”
The Art of True Prayer: This is more spiritual so might not be for everyone depending on faith. It’s more geared toward actual prayer. This is the practice of your prayers being answered.
Visualization: One of the easiest ways to work with subconscious is to visualize it. This will take you through the steps on how to get there. This is common among athletes who visualize winning a big game or a race. They picture everything that happens or could happen and focus on the feeling of the WIN. In their subconscious they already have won.
Mental-Movie Method: In your minds eye you play out the movie. I like to suggest this for planning the day. Play out the day in your mind and how you would like it to go. A big event coming up do the same thing first thing in the morning when you’re most susceptible to suggestions.
Baudoin Technique: This technique is about being in the sleepy, drowsy state and and summing the suggestion up into a simple phrase. Then take this phrase and repeat it over and over again so its like a memory.
Sleeping Technique: Another sleepy, drowsy technique. “Suppose you want to get rid of a destructive habit. Assume a comfortable posture, relax your body, and be still. Get in a sleep state, and in that sleepy state, say quietly, over and over as a lullaby, “I am completely free from this habit; harmony and peace of mind reign supreme””
Thank you Technique: Be thankful before you even accomplish something. Repeat it every night and morning. Saying “ Thank you for my success” as an example and continue this. Planting the seed that you’re successful and the mind will start acting like it sending messages to the conscious.
Argumentative Method: This method stems from Phineas Parkhurst Quimby a pioneer in mental and spiritual healing. “You convince the patient and yourself that the sickness is due to false beliefs, groundless fears, and negative patterns lodged in the subconscious mind. You reason it out clearly in your mind and convince your patient that the disease or ailment is due only to a distorted, twisted pattern of thought that has taken for in the body.” The idea here is explaining to them the ailment is a formed from their belief.
Absolute Method: This method is a more spiritual method and is a form of prayer. “The person using the absolute method mentions the name of the patient. Then she silently think so of God and His qualities and attributes, such as God is all bliss, boundless love, infinite intelligence, all=powerful, boundless wisdom, absolute harmony, indescribable beauty and perfection.” The spirit is then lifted into a new dimension and is like a form of ultra-sound therapy. What ever is bothering the person is then neutralized.

Personally I use inner engineering every morning as I wake up and before I go to bed. This is when I’m still in that brain activity stage to be more susceptible to the thoughts.
Visualization is another powerful way to achieve this. As you go into a meditation your brain waves also go into theta creating a more vivid visualization. Allowing you to engineer the thoughts and image you are working towards. This is great for working towards specific goals or even just planning out the day.
Working with the subconscious is about shifting the limiting beliefs to develop new habits.

Taking a look at some examples he uses for scripts.

“Wealth, Success” repeat these words to yourself for five minutes a day. Ideally in the morning or right before bed. These words alone wont make you wealthy or successful. You’re planting the seed in the mind so you start working like you are. You give yourself the image that you can have it and achieve it based off planting the seed.

Using visualization is another way. If you are looking for a promotion at work. Visualize getting the job, getting the offer, and even working in that position. Think about the emotions that comes with it and what your life looks like. When you focus and build this in your mind the subconscious will work and act as if it’s happening.

Doesn’t mean it will happen right away but using the techniques to train the subconscious mind on a different level. You will then operate on a different level.

This book is a great read and the value provided in it can change ones life.
It has opened a world of opportunities for me and made me realize I have so much more to offer than what I thought.

Guess what! You do as well.


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