Are you ready for a change? 

         Healing is one of the first steps on your path for personal development. As you navigate through blocks that have been holding you back for years. With hypnotherapy we're able to get to the root cause of problems by accessing the subconscious. This allows me to guide you on this amazing journey of self discovery and overcome those blocks. 


1:1 Consultation
Building a treatment plan is the most important part of having successful sessions. To achieve this we go through a number of questions so that I can better understand your situation. Allowing me to customize the treatment plan for our sessions utilizing the different tools I have available to help you through the journey. 

Hypnotherapy while it has results typically faster than traditional talk therapy is not always a one session and done. The subconscious holds a lot of information and when going into hypnosis a lot can come up that needs to be worked through. While results might be achieved with a single session and that might be all you need it then this is the best case scenario!

How it works

1:1 Consultation

This gives us the time to do a deep dive consult. To explore how hypnotherapy can help you on your healing journey.

Healing Process

This is where the healing begins. Based off discussions from the consult we put the plan into motion


We do regular check ins. Not only during the sessions but with follow up to ensure you're on a positive path to reaching your goals.


Copyright Health to Wealth Movement
Copyright Health to Wealth Movement